Short answer: we’re an indie-Orthodox Christian online media-house. Want to learn more?

Established in late-2008 (originally as Orthodox Filmmakers & Artists blog), TRANSFIGURE was a dream that became a reality. TRANSFIGURE loves all forms of creativity: music, film, literature, art…but with a difference. It’s creativity inspired by one’s Orthodox phronema.

This site has 3 purposes: 

  1. Encourage Orthodox Christian filmmakers and artists’ faith to direct their creativity.
  2. Inform, support and connect Orthodox filmmakers and artists from around the world with one another.
  3. Generate and promote new and exciting forms of human expression.

TRANSFIGURE is here for you: artist & audience. We’re here to support and share your ideas with the world. If you like the sound of what we do then don’t hesitate to contact us.